White Christmas! Rick's first in fact! And only the sixth time in 67 years that it has snowed on Christmas day in the Portland Metro Area! Don't we feel special...
Yes, it was just like the ones I used to know. But the best part was, we didn't have to go anywhere, had a few friends travel to us, and filled our bellies with good food, good wine and good laughs!
Speaking of laughs - Rick, with his inexperience in the snow, became one with the snow. He had gone outside to turn on the Christmas lights and had to walk across our snowy front lawn. While he was gingerly traversing the downward slope of the yard (in flip flops no less!) his footing gave way and he ended up, as they say, a** over tea kettle! Luckily he was okay, other than his bruised ego as he exclaimed Merry Christmas to the neighbors watching across the street.
We've attached a slide show of some pictures of the day. Enjoy!
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