Ripken had been to Rick's work once before, but not for very long. Friday, he was there from lunch till end of the day. While Rick's coworkers were pleased that such a furry and cute visitor was around, Ripken was generally bored and wished he was somewhere else. To keep him occupied (and quiet) Rick hid treats under a blanket for Ripken to try to dig and find. It was fine until the UPS and FedEx guys came and rang the doorbell, setting Ripken off on a barking fit. Still, Rick's coworkers were not too bothered by the ordeal and asked if Ripken would be back.
Rick's attitude of having Ripken at work is more along the lines with his thoughts on trips to Las Vegas: fun for a quick visit, but it gets more and more annoying the longer it goes on.
Can you tell I love your blog? I also love that Rippy went to work! I hope he helped out; were you able to dictate to him while he typed? Could he at least file? Write memos? I'm still trying to train Spencer to write emails for me and call clients while I nap. It's not working so well, since he doesn't know the alphabet and can't talk. No, wait! He just started saying "hot," "button" and "vacuum" thought the two latter sound almost exactly alike. Now on to the alphabet ...
It's me, I'm not anonymous! I apparently also need to be trained on how to use a computer. My mouse slipped :-( REALLY!
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