Overnight my adorable, sweet, angelic cutie pie changed into a whiny, needy toddler (GASP!). Suddenly any hesitation to give her what she wants, and Reese starts whining.
If I don't drop whatever I am doing at that second to give Reese a cup, a piece of cheese, the remote control, whatever, then a total breakdown is imminent. But Reese is still at the age where a simple distraction will stop the possible meltdown.
But, unfortunately, that too will pass and I will need to, at some point, deal with a total tantrum.
And her transformation truly was overnight. Yesterday she was a dream. Today...still my darling little girl, but more of a challenge, for sure.
Time truly feels like it flies, and it has been ever since she was born.
I am a bit afraid that I will blink and she will be in grade school, blink again and it's high school, blink again and off to college, blink and I'm giving her away at her wedding.
Time needs to slow - how about full out stop? - even if that means she stays in "terrible twos" for a long time.
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